24 October 2019
24 October 2019
24 October 2019
17 October 2019
17 October 2019
I “Raskatiell”, prodotto tipico di Fardella, è un piatto povero con ingredienti semplici, ma ricco dal punto di vista salutistico.
8 October 2019
Built in 1914, as testified by the inscription over the portal, Villa Costanza is one of the few examples with a strong correlation between the architectural element and the natural setting ...
8 October 2019
Dating back to the first half of the 18th century, Palazzo Costanza, along with other elegant buildings, is one of the oldest, owned by powerful families in terms of wealth and culture ...
8 October 2019
A picturesque view that takes your breath away as it did in the past can be seen as you walk along Via Mario Pagano as the road initially widens, with an arched entrance still in its original state.
7 October 2019
The Borea shop, dubbed “Vitino’s shop” by its owner, is a small building erected in the early 20th century by Giovanni Borea and located in the main square in Fardella.